The state of GitOps Insights into the adoption and challenges of real-world GitOps Join us for an exclusive lunch event hosted by Octopus Deploy, on the 19th of November in Amsterdam, where we will share industry insights from the latest...
Cloud Security lunch: Security threats in a Kubernetes environment Join us for an exclusive Cloud Native Security lunch event hosted by Amazic and Sysdig, on the 25th of May at the prestigious Royal IGC Restaurant in Amsterdam. Don’t miss this...
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 18-21 April, 2023. Join our CNCF Graduated and Incubating Projects as the community gathers for four...
Orca Security and Torq invite you to a lunch among peers and experts in Cloud Security at the Royal IGC Restaurant, Amsterdam, on 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm. Join us for a three course lunch, while we discuss security...
The IT landscape in a multi-cloud world Innovation and IT go hand in hand, today every professional works with a rich portfolio of clouds, data centers and application architectures to work faster, more scalable and more efficient. But developments are...